
Consumer Disputes Solicitors

A consumer is someone who purchases goods or services in their personal capacity and not for their trade, business or profession.

Buying a product or paying for a service that doesn't live up to what was agreed is one of the hazards of modern day life and can be caused by manufacturers’ or sellers’ promises and duties not being upheld. On the other hand, if you have supplied goods or services to an individual who claims you have breached your agreement, it may be unclear how you can defend your position.  

Our Dispute Resolution team provides cost effective and practical advice to consumers and businesses alike on consumer disputes. We provide advice to consumers to enable you to protect your rights in full, and advise providers of goods and services as to your position in light of consumer rights. We can advise on problems regarding virtually any kind of product or service.As a result of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (the “Act”), there are a number of rights available to consumers who have purchased goods or services since October 2015.


Under the Act, there is a requirement for goods supplied to a consumer to be:

  • of satisfactory quality;
  • fit for a particular purpose; and
  • as described.

There are also further requirements which apply to specific circumstances. One example is if goods have been purchased by reference to a sample, the seller has a duty to provide goods that match the sample. Similarly, if a product has been purchased based on a model of the product that the consumer has seen, the seller has a duty to provide goods which match the seen model.


If a service has been purchased, the seller must comply with a number of requirements under the Act which include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • the service must be performed with reasonable care and skill;
  • a reasonable price is to be paid for the service; and
  • the service is to be performed within a reasonable time.

Businesses and service providers also have a duty to comply with Trading Standards and, in some cases, other legislative rules which govern particular types of goods and services.  If you have purchased goods or services and are not satisfied that the seller has upheld the terms of the agreement, please do get in touch with us. Similarly, if you have provided goods or services to a consumer who is not satisfied, we are happy to assist.

Get in touch with our consumer disputes resolution solicitors in Chichester, Fareham and Havant

You can contact your local Glanville’s office in Chichester, FarehamHavant or Petworth or use the contact form below and we will get back to you quickly.