About Us

Corporate Responsibility

We believe that corporate responsibility revolves around the understanding of the impact our business has on the environment, the welfare of individuals, the community and the sustainability of the worlds resources. Running a business in the local community goes beyond making profits and acquiring wealth and we therefore acknowledge our obligation to consider the wider interests of our clients, employees and the community in which we function. It is about taking responsibility for the impact of our business on all those who are affected by it.

Our environment, social and governance (ESG) policy coordinates all the activities going on in our firm that benefit our clients, our people, our suppliers, the local community and the wider world. Our ESG policy underlies everything that we do.

Why is it important?

As a business we recognise that we have an impact on the world around us. The way we do business dictates the footprint we leave behind. In particular, we can play a part in addressing the issues of global warming and sustainable development by reducing the environmental impact of our activities. These issues require practical action by us all.

Our aims

• To always act in an ethical manner.

• To continually improve the overall service we offer to clients.

• To create a positive working environment for our people.

• To find ways of back to the local community.

• To minimise our impact on the environment.

Our Community

• We are pleased to offer work experience to local colleges and universities.

• We regularly sponsor local events and local charities.

• We take part in free advice clinics in various locations.

Our Clients

We collect evidence from clients about our services through client service questionnaires, third party feedback and social media. Any feedback we receive is taken seriously. We take the resolution of complaints very seriously and we are proud of our record in dealing with them.

Our Staff

The Health & Safety of our staff is given the highest priority and is monitored by regular reviews. We encourage staff to share their views either via team meetings or a suggestion box on our intranet. We keep staff updated on any changes with the firm as and when they happen via internal e-shots and intranet news posts . We have introduced family friendly and flexible policies wherever possible.

The Environment

• We consider the environment – recycling of confidential waste, cardboard, toners etc.

• Online files – saving paper for the environment and speeding up the transaction for the client.

• Paper usage – we are aiming to reduce paper usage by promoting a clear policy as to whether, when or how any documents we produce need to be printed, and by the use of Glanvilles Online.

• Recycling of furniture – no item of furniture is sent to landfill if possible. Surplus items are first offered to local schools. In relation to faulty items we donate them where possible to charitable organisations that refurbish them to be re-used.

Our Suppliers

We will treat our suppliers fairly and ethically and wherever possible we will source goods and services locally.