
Wills, Trusts, Probate & Estate Planning Solicitors

"A professional, caring & sympathetic service..."

Planning for the future of your estate can be a daunting prospect, so it’s understandable that many people put this off. However, if you don’t put the right measures in place now, there is no guarantee your wishes will be respected after you are gone, or that your loved ones will be properly provided for.

As part of our comprehensive service, Glanvilles has a Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning team in each of our offices. These teams have a wealth of experience in helping individuals protect their loved ones and put their affairs in order, during their lifetime and in the event of their death.

Whether you need help creating a Will, updating an existing Will, setting up or managing a trust, or are looking for help and advice with any other aspect of estate planning, we have the experience and legal expertise you need.

Speak to one of our Wills, trusts and estate planning solicitors in Chichester, FarehamHavant or Petworth or use the contact form below to ask us a question and get a quick response.

Our Wills, Trusts, Probate and Estate Planning services

We offer friendly, reliable legal advice for all aspects of Wills, trusts and estate planning in Chichester, Fareham and Havant, as well as throughout West Sussex, Hampshire and South East England.

Advising the Elderly and Vulnerable

We understand that the elderly and/or vulnerable often require additional support and a sensitive approach when planning their affairs. Our estate planning solicitors will take the time to ensure you are confident about the decisions you make with respect to Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and anything else you, an elderly relative or someone you care for need to consider when planning for the future.

Court of Protection

Where a loved one no longer has the mental capacity to make important decisions for themselves, such as over their finances or living arrangements, it may be necessary to apply to become a Court of Protection deputy for them. This empowers you to make these key decisions for them, ensuring their needs are met. Our Court of Protection solicitors can support you through the application process and managing your responsibilities as a Court of Protection deputy.

Co-ownership of Property & Declarations of Trust

If you own a property jointly with someone else, you will need to consider what will happen when one of your passes away. You may co-own your property as joint tenants or tenants-in-common. Our team can advise you on the differences between these types of co-ownership and whether a change is required for your estate planning goals. A declaration of trust may be advisable and we can advise you as to whether this is appropriate and, if so, what the options are.

Powers of Attorney

If you are worried about what would happen in the event you were unable to manage your affairs or needed help with doing so, whether due to a mental or physical incapacity, a Lasting Power of Attorney is vital. This can be used to appoint a trusted person to make decisions for you in the future, if and when you lose the ability to do so yourself. Our solicitors can help you create a Lasting Power of Attorney to give you reassurance that your needs and wishes will continue to be met in the future, including for your property and financial affairs as well as your health and welfare.

Our solicitors can also advise and assist those with existing Enduring Powers of Attorney, including the registration of them at the Office of the Public Guardian where necessary.

Probate, Intestacy & Estate Management

Our probate, intestacy and estate management team can advise and support Executors through all aspects of probate, including ascertaining the value of the estate, obtaining a grant of probate and ensuring inheritance tax is accounted for. We can also act as professional Executors, handling the entire probate and estate management process for you.

An intestacy arises where a person dies without leaving a Will or their estate is not fully disposed of by their Will. Our team can advise and support you with applying for Letters of Administration to secure control of the estate and ensure the estate is correctly distributed.

Tax Planning

Our tax planning team can advise you on your inheritance tax liability and the steps you can take to protect your estate and ensure your dependants receive the maximum benefit from their inheritance. This includes ensuring your estate is planned for in a way that takes full advantage of all available tax exemptions and reliefs, allowing you to minimise your inheritance tax liability.


Trusts can be can be highly beneficial for a number of situations, in particular when planning for the future care of vulnerable loved ones, protecting family assets and ring-fencing compensation. Our trusts solicitors can support you with setting up and managing trusts, ensuring your assets are protected and your loved ones cared for no matter what happens in the future.


Around a third of people in the UK die without leaving a Will. This means their wishes for their estate may not be respected and their loved ones could be left with a difficult probate process to resolve. Our Wills solicitors can help you create or update a Will, ensuring your wishes are clearly set out so your estate will be divided in a way you are happy with and making the inheritance process much easier for your loved ones.

Our solicitors can also assist you in drafting a Letter of Wishes to support your Will. A Letter of Wishes provides further guidance to those dealing with your estate as to how you would like them to deal with certain matters, for example, funeral requests and the distribution of specific assets.

Why choose Glanvilles’ Wills, Trusts, Probate and Estate Planning solicitors?

Our Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning experts provide a professional yet caring and sympathetic service to ensure our clients' wishes for the future are met precisely. As part of this service, we are always pleased to liaise with any of our clients' accountants, stockbrokers and financial advisers whenever appropriate.

Our private Wills, Trust & Estate Planning Solicitors will give you advice and explanations in clear and understandable terms. For those who find it less easy to get around, home, hospital or nursing home visits are all part of our service.

We are delighted to be an accredited member of the Law Society's Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS). This shows that we follow best practice procedures to meet the highest standards of technical expertise and client service in providing tailored wills and probate advice to consumers.

As members of STEP we adhere to the STEP Code for Will Preparation in England & Wales. Please visit to find out more about the code.

Get in touch with our Wills, Trusts, Probate & Estate Planning solicitors in Chichester, Fareham, Havant and Petworth

You can contact your local Glanville’s office in Chichester, FarehamHavant or Petworth or use the contact form below and we will get back to you quickly.